I used to make captions. I do from time to time, but lately I haven't had the bandwidth in my day to do so. I like being creative and if I don't have outlets to express myself creatively I go into depression. That and sex. Need that too or I go into depression.
I expect as the season changes and progress remains on pace towards estrogen, this winter will be a difficult one for me. I will try to rely on sex and creativity to carry me through, as my trusty virtues always have in the past.
I've actually made a lot of captions, so I'm going to slowly reveal some in between updates on my life. Sometimes I'll have something to say along the theme, other times not.
I always love hearing what you think. If anyone can help me set up formspring I'd appreciate it. Maybe the hypnosis is getting to me, I have trouble focusing on html and technological language lately.