Friday, April 18, 2014

Home and Alone

Sorry for the delay in an update. I'm back home now, and finding that post op care without an army of nurses has proven to be a challenge.

I dilate 4 times a day, have 1 shower, 2 baths, 2 douches. I have to air dry (read: lay around naked) for 30 minutes after each wet event. I also have to wash the tub before and after each wet event. I also go through tips of towels. Suddenly bathroom cleaning and laundry are something I do, whereas before the nursing staff handled it.

All in all, things are going well. It doesn't hurt to walk now, though it is easy to over do it. I plan to give all this info, including dilation explanation and dilator demo via YouTube, but concentrating enough to do and edit a video hasn't been possible for me yet.

Another girl who was in recovery with me recommended I get in touch with the local CCAC office. Basically, they send nurses to bring supplies and check on my wound. Since I've been bleeding a lot suddenly and today I noticed an odor change, I'm going to get right on that.

Some costs that have been more than expected, either in cost of time/effort or money are:

Medical pads for anywhere you sleep or sit
Towels and face cloths
Dove soap
Saline for douches

I haven't needed much in pain meds lately, beyond acetaminophen and ibuprofen, but if it turns out I do have an infection you can be sure I'll need stronger pain meds. I was previously prescribed hydromorphone for the pain.

More to come, thanks for being patient while I recover.