Saturday, April 10, 2010

I was on the subway today and locked eyes with a totally cute Asian girl. She was dressed up like a boy, and was obsessively fiddling with a packet of cigars in her pocket. We locked eyes and I felt like.. we knew... she was a boy, and I was the girl. We would trade, if we could, but for now at least, we have to continue like this.

I wish her well.

1 comment:

  1. i went to my Saturday yoga class today; it's so nice to see so many cute girls in one place so relaxed, taking of their little shoes and socks while i take notes.

    a woman wearing loose, gray sweat pants set her mat in front of mine. about halfway through class, she tugged them down and showed some nice form-fitting brown yoga pants fitting up against a pretty nice form - hers - including her high-rise bikinis underneath . . . . very nice

