Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Slut Pride

I feel a major point is being touched on in GhostChip's last comment, and really his entire mentality is very typical of a lot of people. Here is his latest comment:

"I get the fact that not all transexuals are sluts, some of them are very nice people. But what you don't seem to get is if you portray a certain image and people respond concordantly to that image how hypocritical it is to judge them, and then go one further and attempt to publicly shame them for that response. That is why you are a two faced little bitch, that is why you give transexuals a bad name. That is why you can get your boobs done, you can laser your face, do whatever, but you will still be ugly on the inside."

THIS is why Slut Walk exists. Since I am a slut, and a brazenly proud one at that, I must immediately present for a male to insert his cock regardless of interest, location, or time. The expectation is that sluts don't have the same rights as anyone else. That if I indicate interest, I have to follow up within 20 minutes or I'm a fucking loser. In this example, no big deal, just tease the poor cuckold. Unfortunately, in many examples someone gets raped. 

Public shaming: I'm sorry that you feel vulnerable, it wasn't my intention. In fact I took care to remove your profile name, and the date and time stamps so you'd be considered anonymous. I left your cock pic because your cock is gorgeous, and the world always needs more cock.

Back to removing time stamps... it worked against me in this case because you didn't get to see how his "serious" confrontation came minutes after my reply. I am sincere about wanting male models to fuck me on film. I've already done so! I don't think this is about challenging my sincerity, it is about thinking that since I am empowered about my sexuality and very much interested in my slut activities, I must immediately surrender myself without any delay! Asking questions is not acceptable. Prove it! Since you say you're a slut yo must immediately obey or you're a "two faced little bitch who is ugly on the inside!" 

Silly boy, my pussy is filled with rainbows.

Sluts everywhere parade in defiance of these ideas. The ideas that since I do porn I deserve it if I get raped, if I wear tight jeans I must put out on the first date, and the expectation that if I want to have something resembling a conversation in the first couple days of talking to you I MUST BE A TOTAL HYPOCRITE! Under no circumstances should a person be pressured into sex. There are a whole whack of things that people shouldn't be pressured into, but I'm focusing on this one.

I am a slut, and though I did not walk in the past, I will walk in the coming Slut Walks. Now go pull your dick in the corner and know that I'm gonna get gangbanged and you're just going to watch it.



  1. People are saying bullshit. I would never ever call a woman (or a girl, or TG, CD, anybody) slut, or any other bad name, because of her sexual hmmm activities. More than that, as a guy i ALWAYS defend such girls, when somebody calls them this way.
    Every person on the world has right to have sex, and enjoy sexuality. Guys do that all the time and nobody calls them names. Why a girl shouldnt be allowed to use her basic rights - same like guys ?
    When i see a girl, who enjoys sex, and others call her "slut" with hatered, i feel just sympathy for her, and feel happy that she isnt empowered by stupid XIX century-ish taboos about woman sex.

  2. Christina DiEdoardoJuly 13, 2012 at 3:57 AM

    Glad to hear you're supporting SlutWalk! I think the movement began in YYZ--we've had a few walks in SF, but they seem not to be as well promoted as they should be (or because we're sluts by inclination? :) ). Anyway, keep on representing and being you :) XOXO
