Thursday, March 27, 2014

I has a pussy

The deed is done! My upgrade is complete. I am now sole proprietor of a pussy.

I will be posting more as my recovery continues, but I'll recap so far.

I was taken up into surgery, given a Epidural. I had the wildest technicolour trip ever, and woke up plus pussy.

Day One was mostly me high. When the pain got to be too much, they would give me a shot. into my arm the needle went, and a burning sensation set forth. Moments later the pain was vastly reduced. These shots are available every other day. Today I'm on a pill instead.

Today has been better. Like in Thailand, I became nauseous as a side effect of the anesthetic. I threw up a few times, but have otherwise been Ok. I'm so amazed at how quickly recovery occurs.

Last night I was prompted to stand up beside the bed for a minute. Today I've had several short walks around the clinic. They encourage walking. It helps.

My dressing is checked a half dozen times a day, replaced three. I haven't had much bleeding. This stretchy underwear is filled with Gause, pads, and huge amounts of ice.

Tonight my IV comes out and, I think, my catheter as well. Tomorrow at 10 am I'm transferred from the clinic to the adjoined residences for my continued recovery, and all the lessons about cleaning and dilating my pretty little pussy.

Well, what WILL be my pretty little pussy. I had a sneak peak and I'm so swollen she is more like Charybdis.

More to come. Please comment if you have questions you want answered, or if this is helpful at all. 

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