“So do you, or do you not endorse coaxing people into
thinking that what they are aroused by is indicative of an underlying discord?
Also do you believe that how one relates, rationalizes and desires plays no
part in how one identifies oneself?” - Anonymous
I’m... I’m honestly shocked. Wait, let’s go back. Let’s get
a little context. So I totally did this crossdreaming blog fiesta recently and
the last post was
here. It’s like, right below this one, but don’t make eye
contact, it’s super involved with like 19 comments and counting.
Anonymous, which seems like such a popular name these days,
seems to feel marginalized for being sexually attracted to an unspecified
method of feminization. He seems angry at Jack Molay and this is where the
confusion really sets in for me.
Anonymous suggests people are being wrongfully convinced
that they have gender identity issues because they are sexually attracted to
feminization. Or something like that, I’m trying to piece together a message
from his several posts. So Anonymous has asked me whether I endorse this.
See, my mind is boggled how someone can think the two have
anything to do with one another. I am a slut and I loves me all kinds of sex. I
want to be led out like a pet on a leash and gangbanged as entertainment for a
party of wealthy men and women. Having them pet me, patronize me in that
deliriously wonderful condescending tone that they give to dogs, and else
stuff. That does not mean at all that I want to be a dog.
My identity is not
exclusively made up of sexual fantasies. I have an xbox and shit. I own a car. I’m
a real person yo.
I may be your pet, but I still have to pay taxes. |
Since each person’s situation is unique, wtf is your point anyways? We’re going to argue generalizations about gender identity and sexual identity? How would we do that? What Rosetta stone exists to help us discuss any of this?
For argument’s sake, let’s generalize the fuck out of this. If you’re getting sexually aroused by wearing women’s clothing or dreaming about being a woman, you might be a crossdresser or you might be a crossdreamer. I’m just stabbing the dark on the meaning of crossdreamer now since it has been established it was created by Jack Molay. Ask Jack what he intended by the statement. If you’re identifying with crossdreaming but in a sexual fetish way, then I figure the term fits and so I’m using it in this case.
In either case, if you’re sexually excited by these ideas but you have no desire to pursue transition, that’s clue number one you aren’t differently gendered. It isn’t a hard and fast rule by any means, but for my reply to this discussion it works just fine.
About being coerced to transition: wtf are you smoking? You’ve been reading too many stories and captions Captain Anonymous, and you clearly have very little respect for the differently gendered. Let me walk you through why the idea of being convinced into transition when you don’t really want it is absolutely clown shoes ridiculous.
I never felt right, even as a kid. I didn’t know what the issue was, but as I grew and learned more I felt significant and ongoing displeasure with myself, my body, my reflection in the mirror. I felt off. I didn’t need to be convinced or coerced to become a woman. When I learned that was even possible, and began my journey, you couldn’t coerce or convince me NOT to transition. It was like a floodgate opened, it was like I had been freed from tyranny, it was like I had found the cure for a serious illness, like I discovered fucking Science!
For me, as a transgendered person, I busted my ass and have
been crawling through enormous difficulty to be the person I feel in the cells
of my body, in the aching of my bones that I need to be. I struggle against a
system that is designed to resist my success, a system of gender binary and
intolerance where depending on which nation I visit I may not have basic human rights.
I’m totally shocked by this protest in the first place. There
is no conspiracy against cisgendered guys who get off dreaming about or
dressing as a woman. No plot exists to convince you to transition for some
nefarious ladyboy-army building purpose. This world fights transgender people
tooth and nail, and how dare you try to compare your right to get that tiny
dick of yours off in a pair of lace panties like a good little cuck to me
travelling across the entire mother-fucking world to get a fair price on breast
implants and risk surgery and the possibility of never seeing my daughter’s
face again. If you’re a cisgendered guy who just likes getting off to ideas of
feeling feminine sometimes, boo hoo! Go take your male privilege to the food
bank and try to trade all the ways you’re on top of the world like food stamps.
Please, by all means, pull your widdle dickie and dream about being a girl. Nobody cares. Nobody wants to stop you. In fact I want you to do it more. I’m happy you do it. I bet you make wet little cummies when you read about me being wrongfully coerced into transition in my captions.
Be proud of your fetish, not defensive |