I have always sort of felt if some one wrote something on my body it would be true.
Black guys seem to agree. They write all sorts of stuff on bodies, usually about how we're all going to be with black guys only, and we're going to be so happy with our bellies full of black baby batter.
This is a form of neuro-linguistic programming. It is brainwashing. I've been told sometimes the way I speak is another form of NLP. I certainly don't intend that. I just exhale and say/type what comes to mind on instinct. I have ambitions and plans, but I've trained myself to respond on passion.
Even the saying "Once you Go Black, you Never go Back" is NLP. That's a form of brainwashing and, frankly, it works. I didn't even need to physically be with a black man to not go back for a period of two years.
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